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Our Field trips are coordinated by Kim Rathke.


To sign up for a field trip, click the link to fill out the google form, or 

contact Kimberly Rathke @ 618-791-0850, or on Facebook Kimberly Johnson Rathke.


To make a payment for a field trip—

Checks made out to Kimberly Rathke (put the field trip your are paying for in the memo)


Cash—paid at TLC or at a SCCCHE monthly meeting.


Electronic payments—Cash app or PayPal.  Put the field trip you are paying for in the memo.

With paypal, please select the friends and family so I don’t have to pay an extra fee.






Monday, August 26th, St. Louis Cardinals—Busch Stadium
Time—6:45p Cardinals vs. Padres—gates open 2 hrs before the game.
Cost—FREE—we only have 79 tickets, 2 of which are ADA


Monday, September 16th 2024, fruit picking at Braeutigam Orchard

2795 Turkey Hill Ln, Belleville IL 62221
Time—Check in @ 10am with Kim Rathke to get your bags.
Cost—$11 per child picking.  Payment due by Friday, Sept. 6th


Friday, October 11th 2024 Eckert’s Millstadt Farm

2719 Eckert Orchard Lane, Millstadt, IL 62260
Time—Check in @ 10am with Kim Rathke. The field trip starts at 10:30am
Cost—$12 per person over the age of two Payment due by Friday, Oct. 4th


Possible field trip to Excel Bottling Co.—more information coming in September.
There will be a max of 20 people for the 40 min tour.

Monday, November 4th 2024, Top Golf

3201 Chouteau Ave, St. Louis, MO 63103
Time— Check in @ 9:45am with Kim Rathke—our golf time is 10:30a—12:30p
Cost—$13 per golfer (ages 5—adult) Payment due by Friday October 11th


Friday, December 13th 2024, Steinberg Ice Skating Rink
400 Jefferson Dr., St. Louis, MO 63110
Time— Check in @ 12:30p with Kim Rathke—ticket booth opens at 1pm
Cost—$12 per skater (this may actually be lower, but we won't know until Oct.)
Payment due—The day of. Payments will be to the skating rink itself








Sold out!

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